Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sex Appropriate or just Good Music

It's getting hard to come across good music these days, or maybe music is just becoming more like advertising and art. There's good and there's bad but it all depends on who's making the judgement or seeing/listening to it. It's hard to tell though when music like Britney Spears "3" and Rihanna "Rude Boy" comes out, whether they are promoting what they sing or it just happened to make a good song. Both songs are very popular and well liked by almost everyone but has it come to the point of it being okay to talk about threesomes and riding your man/ having raunchy sex? The songs play all day long on the radio for all ages to hear and since there's not profanity, the real versions play. I think music like this is great and fun to dance to when you're college age or older and out, but to play during the day for young children to hear is just not appropriate. It's not okay for songs about these things to be played openly, you never know what kids will repeat or start singing out on the playground with other kids. There should be a specific radio station (for mature adults) and places such as bars and night clubs to play and promote the music. But overall it shouldn't be socially acceptable for music to have come to this, good music doesn't have to talk about threesome or nasty sexual things. Good music and be appropriate and fun at the same time. Artists need to become a little more creative with their work and not necessarily take the easy way out by using sex, drugs, and alcohol for their music.

Responsibility in Advertising

I think responsibility in advertising is a very difficult thing to define, because its different to everyone. What one of us sees as responsible, someone else may see as irresponsible. Not everyone thinks alike, therefore making judgements on this sort of thing like whether its moral, immoral, degrading, disturbing, etc. It all depends on the person making judgement or the person creating. So If you asked me I would say responsiblity in advertising is a work/ campaign that does not degrade women, ethnicities, cultures, or any group of people, it does not contain nudity or innapropriate language, it is something that can be viewed by all ages (with exception for commercials playing at late times of night), it does not contain graphics or scenes that disturb, disgust, or frighten people to never want to see it again, and it does not encourage one to do something that may harm them physically or mentally. But like I said all the things I named are judged on different levels by different people.

"Keep it Simple"

I've always wondered who invented the idea of putting different kinds/colors of wine in different shaped glasses. I mean does it really make that big of a difference? Honestly I think it's just plain complicated. I think we have enough complicated things going on in our lives, so something as simple as a wine glass shouldn't be made complicated. The small things in life should be kept simple and sweet. We should put red wine, white wine, pink wine, chardonnay, pinot noir, cabernet, etc. all in one simple wine glass, now a wide mouth or a skinny mouth and so on. I mean honestly how many people really know the difference or which one is for which?

Snow Cones restricted to Summmer ONLY?!

Why is it that snow cone stands and places are only open during the Summer? I mean i understand that when its cold outside its said that people want warm things to eat and drink. But thats such a myth to me. When you're thirsty, you're thirsty for something nice and cold whether its water or gatorade or even an ice cold coca cola. Just because its cold outside doesn't mean you want warm things all the time to quench your thirst and drink. To be honest i hardly ever drink warm things except for an occasional hot chocolate when i'm outdoors walking around. But other than that i'm coming in from a day at school or a day of work and have my usual gatorade or glass of lemonade. My drink preferences just like my food preferences dont change from season to season. And I'm pretty sure thats normal. I think snow cone places just like smoothie and Icee places should remain open year round to keep its loyal customers, who wish to come year round, happy. I don't think all of them should open year round but it wouldn't hurt to have a few maybe in a mall or inside somewhere where people who arne't necessarily cold or people who wish to have one... can do so.

Tiger What?

So as we all know, Tiger Woods has been one of the biggest "talk about" celebs lately with his long list of affairs that recently emerged to the public. Everyone all over the world is looking down upon him, friends, family, fans, etc. He's lost endorsements, dropped out of the game for awhile (but is returning now) and even went to "sex rehab". I completely understand his friends and family all being hurt by this and reacting as they are but as for the rest of the world and the products he endorses... It's personal business, what Tiger did is part of his personal life away from golf (which is why he has the endorsements and so many fans). Nobody has to agree or think that what he did was okay but why bash him or take away endorsements that are for HIM AS A GOLFER, NOT him as a person in his personal life and affairs. Every celebrity has two separate lives thats why people always say to "keep the lives separate" or your personal life can never be enjoyed. I think we should support him as an athlete, as the amazing professional golfer he is, and let his friends and family deal with the situation in their personal time AWAY from golf. He's always been this great guy that we all love and adore, had the affairs not come into public, nothing would have changed with the way the world feels about him right now.

Vodka Scam

Why is it that almost all vodka (minus the extremely cheap nasty stuff) tastes the same? You can buy a liter of Smirnoff Vodka for somehwere around $16 and buy a liter of Sky Vodka for like $20 and a liter of Ketel One for somethign like $26 yet they all taste the exact same. If you tasted each one blindly not knowing which one it was over 75% of people i gurantee would not be able to tell the difference. So what exactly is the higher price paying for? Are we paying for some fancy colorful or beautifully labeled vodka in a odd shaped bottle. I think it's a huge scam for people. I understand that vodka is one of those items that is so plain and ordinary and its all the same so the appearance of it is what sells it. But I think i'd rather it be in a normal bottle and not so pretty labels. I mean people dont walk around showing their bottles as they drink the vodka, they walk around with the clear liquor in a cup mixed with some other sort of drink or just over ice (which looks just like water). It's sad that people will purchase a bottle of grey goose for $40 when Sky Vodka tastes exactly the same. They but it for the prestigiousness of the name and bottle. They do it for the feeling of elegance and class, but really who is gonna notice unless you show them (which how unclassy is that?) So lets be real... I think there should be two maybe three bottles of expensive nice vodka with the fancy bottle and label and then there should be two or three just terrible cheap plastic bottles, but the rest of them cut the fancy schmancy and put it in a normal bottle, not so fancy label and cut the price to a decent one and more people would probably buy it even just by keeping the name the same. I know i would.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sexy or Uncomfortable?

So I walked into Victorias Secret today to buy a few things when a man comes up to me and asks "Would you like me to start a dressing room for you?" well...a) i'm creeped out some man asks me that about bras and panties and what not and then b) since when can a man help you pick out those things, i mean does he even know what he's talking about? I just dont think its okay or appropriate in any way for a man to be employed at victorias secret. It's uncomfortable for women to shop and ask for help, sizes, opionions, options, etc. from a man. It's more reasonable for a man shopping at the store (for his wife/girlfriend) to ask a woman what his wife would like based on some information/ descriptions. And lastly men don't know anything about undergarments for women just like women dont know anything about style, comfort, feel, size, etc. for mens underwear, and a man isn't exactly comfortable asking a woman for help with his size and comfort for boxers, briefs, etc. Although it is sexist, I think only women should be hired to work in a place where women are stripping down to the bare neccessesities and trying on undergarments. So many things could go wrong with a man being around dressing rooms or giving advice/ size tips to shy uncomfortable women. It just helps the flow of things to hire only women and it makes the overall shopping experience much more comfortable. If we wanted a male's opinion we'd ask our husband/ boyfriend or a friend for advice on whether it looks good on, or is super sexy.

Lost: Dead Week at SMU before Finals

Dead Week 2 a.m.

Now I know i'm not the only one pissed about this... but seriously why does every school including those around us like TCU and Baylor have "dead days" or a "dead week" to study for finals and we don't? SMU wonders why students grades are soo low right now... well DUH! Give us the time to study and not waste a week of going to classes to review for 2 or 3 days and give us the time to do it on our own. Yes I know most students use those days to get super wasted and party all day and all night, but the students that are gonna do that, would do it anyway with or without "dead days." So why not give them to us anyway so the students who are actually serious about their grades and have lots of finals back to back can get a head start and study for them early. I think we should at least be given a couple "dead days" and those of us who want to use the time wisely will get a early start studying and avoid an unhealthy time of cramming, all nighters, caffeine, illegal use and purchase of adderol to stay awake, etc. Doing this would help students maintain a healthy balance in their lives physically and mentally.... GIVE US A BREAK and HELP US OUT for once!

When it rains...

Why is it that people say raindrops are god's tears and when it rains god is crying? It just doesn't make sense to me. Why would god cry and water the earth to make flowers bloom into beautiful objects, bodies of water fill to keep animals and nature alive, etc. If it's tears then why does so much good and happiness come from it? Some of the happiest moments in life come on days when its raining. Thunderstorms make me happy and people play in the rain laughing and smiling as they splish and splash through puddles. A kiss in the rain creates that feeling that nothing else around you matters and joy, happiness, and love overwhelm the heart and soul. But most of all, why does it have to mean that god is angry? I think God is happy with his creation of the earth and his son died for our sins, so when it rains we shouldn't consider it God crying or God being angry. If anything I think they should be tears of happiness because he sees and loves each and everything he's created. Why wouldn't he? Who doesn't love their own work and creation? So we should stop looking at such a positive thing in a negative way. Open our eyes to the true beauty of rain.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pointless? I think so

I've always wondered why people have middle names. I mean what are they used for other than writing on "official" documents and for monogramming towels, bags, etc. with your initials. But really what is the point in having a middle name? It just seems pointless to me... its just extra information to write, memorize, use, etc. that has no real purpose or important meaning. I think the middle name should just be scratched and people should just have their first and last name. The only two TRULY necessary names that we need to have. It would make things a lot easier and one less piece of information to add to important documents and forms we need for drivers license, passport, social security forms, bank accounts, etc.

Pedestrian vs. Driver

How much do you hate it when you're the person walking to class and you're trying to cross the street and an impatient driver honks at you or nudges closer and closer and then speeds off as soon as your inches away from their car? well I DO! I think it's so rude and not to mention dangerous. Even if your driving and you can go right on red, if the pedestrian has the "walk" signal they have the right away and should in no way shape or form be in danger or being hit or get honked at because it is some sort of 1 min or less nuisance for the driver. If you're that impatient you shouldn't be driving and if you're in a hurry because you're late... well you're already late so whats a minute gonna do to you? NOTHING. The funny thing is though, that when you're the driver and you're on the other side of it it seems completely different. You think well the pedestrian "walk" sign is flashing to not walk and your light is about to turn green so why is this person walking about to walk across the street when they should wait for their "walk" signal after the cars go. It seems like the pedestrian thinks they run the street and they can walk even when they dont have the signal if they are in a hurry to get across. I think everyone needs to take a breath and just follow the law and walk when they are supposed to walk and drive when they are supposed to drive.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shafted on the Spirals

I'm obsessed with Spiral Macaroni & Cheese. I could eat any kind, shells, regular, shapes, etc. but the spirals are by far my favorite! But whats sad is they completely shaft you on the amount of spirals in the box. I'll make the regular cheesiest macaroni and cheese and it could feed my two roomates and I with FULL bowls, but the Spirals only fills up one bowl maybe two if you don't put as much in each bowl. The spirals mac n cheese even costs more than the regular, so why screw people with putting less in the box? It just doesn't make sense. Macaroni n cheese is clearly targeted towards young children to about college age, but mostly young children. Usually parents aren't feeding just one child with the macaroni. I've noticed some parents cook more than one box or buy the mega value size which is great. But they only make the mega "family" size in the regular shape. First of all on the regular box of spirals if they are going to charge you more, you should at least get the same amount of pasta as the regular boxes that are priced lower. Then if they're gonna make "family" size boxes that have more pasta and can feed more people, they should make it in the other shapes like shells, spirals, spider man, etc. Kids like the shapes much more than the plain kind but I think parents make the plain box because theres more and it will feel more kids. SO Kraft needs to get their "sh**" together and not shaft us on our mac n cheese.

X'in Me Up

I hate more than anything.... getting HUGE black sharpied X's on my hands at night when I go to bars. Anyone else? yeah... heaven forbid they just use a washable marker or do think X's but they make the X's as thick as possible and in the morning... yep its on your face or body somewhere. I understand that they do this cause the bars (especially ones around SMU) have a lot of kids underage and of course we all end up drinking and then they get in trouble for it. But honestly the X's are not necessary. They already give the people who are 21 and up either a wristband or a stamp on their hand. So why not tell the bar tenders... hey dont serve kids that dont have a wristband or stamp? Now thats an idea haha. Honestly its the bar tenders fault for serving someone that doesn't have a wristband or stamp. They should check their ID or if theres not a wristband or stamp then no serving. Drawing huge fat X's is a little extreme if you ask me. Surely the bar tenders are intelligent enough to see if someone does or doesn't have a wristband/ stamp. So give us underage kids a break here, we have to wake up and go to class and having a huge X on our hands, face, body, etc. doesn't exactly look great.

better competition

When i think of two competing soft drinks, two drinks that theres a fine line between...a person either likes this one and is sticks with it or a person drinks the other and sticks with it, I think of Coke and Dr. Pepper. So why is is that Dr. Pepper is not in the competition or race with Coke, and Pepsi is? I don't know about you, but usually when people are at a restaurant and they ask for a coke or a dr. pepper and they say they have Pepsi it's pretty much a let down or back up to not having Coke or Dr. Pepper. I think competition should be between the two most popular. It's not like they aren't the same type of soft drink, I know Dr. Pepper isn't labeled a cola, but i'm pretty sure most of us think of it as that way. Growing up was it not a debate with your friends on which one you drank and which one each of your friends thought was better? Most drinker of the two are loyal customers and stick with it. So I think Pepsi should be more along the lines of competition with RCola and Big Red, etc. Coke and Dr. Pepper have two very differnt and unique tastes. One always prefers one over the other, and definitely before they would choose Pepsi. Lets keep the two Big Dogs in a race together and see how much closer the competition really is. Which one do you prefer?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sucking of Life

With it being mid terms (aka "hell week") i've spent so much time studying and going to the library I feel like exams and libraries just suck the life right out of me. I go in, of course dreading having to be there, but in a somewhat normal everyday mood and when I leave i'm in a empty daze, energy less, tired, I almost feel like my brain is fried or my soul has been sucked out by the ghosts of exams and the living dead of the library. I feel like libraries should be a place of happiness and excitement. It's a play full of fairytales, stories, facts, history, information, etc. A place to explore and enjoy, but with an experience like the one i've had lately... god knows I could care less to ever come back. I think college campuses realize (obviously) how often students are actually in the library, especially during finals and exams. So it should be made a relaxing place. It should be an atmsphere where you can feel comfortable lounge around, do work, have snacks, and be happy while you're doing work. It should have color, colors that are warm and welcoming. Comfortable seating places, etc. So while I sit here in the library studying for my last mid term (thank god) as my life is being sucked out of me, think about the ideal place you would like to study in. how it would look, feel, be, etc.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Never enough time in a day

How often to you feel the stress of only having 24 hours in a day? Me, I stress about it all the time. Especially weeks like this one with Mid Terms, classes, spring break plans to finish organizing, errands to run, studying, eating, sleeping. There's just not enough time in a day for it. I stay up till the wee hours of the morning and I wake up at 8 a.m. for classes all day, rush to get homework done, eat, study and get organized before 2 a.m. rolls around and then i go to bed for it to start all over again. There should be a pause button in life for these days. A button that allows us to breathe, relax and get everything we need done and finish in time for a good nights rest to wake up and go; hopefully not having another day like that for awhile. Wouldn't that be nice?! If we had a pause button for desperate days like these, it would reduce stress, anxiety, depression, HUGE lovely pimples that pop up right in the middle of your face, etc. Could this be invented please? But until then I think that schools and work places should allow one day a week (Mon-Fri) any day of your choice to use as a pause and catch up day. To either catch up and get work and errands done, or a day to catch up on sleep and relax a bit from all the stress. Lets start with working on this.

"Parking Bitch"

Anyone else annoyed with the park n' pony people who have NOTHING better to do than drive around in their little golf cart all day, writing parking tickets for your car in an expired meter or in an undesignated spot? Yeah aren't we all. I swear just parking in a metered spot for one 50 minute class or in a "student parking permit" spot without a permit I come out and it never fails... TICKET. Rumor has it SMU makes over a million dollars a year just in parking tickets and honestly thats absurd! A) SMU needs more parking spots for people without parking permits or it should lower the cost of a parking sticker. I mean to be honest i'd buy a parking sticker but when you live walking distance to campus and occasionally drive to campus if its raining or your in a hurry there should be parking. B) These park n pony "parking bitches" need to ease up on their making rounds to every parking lot on campus within an hour. Surely their pay isn't that great, dont they want to joy ride or stop and eat, talk, etc. And they have no sypmathy for you what so ever. Someone should write them a parking ticket when they park in the lines, in the middle of the road, or in a handicapped spot as they write tickets. How is that far for them to park wherever? They aren't police officers or SMU police.

Tomato Tamato

Why are tomatos classified as a fruit and put into the fruit category? I mean it's a vegetable. You put it on burgers with other....vegetables (lettuce, onions, pickles, etc.) When you walk into a grocery store its not hanging out in a bin next to other fruits like the strawberries, apples, bananas, etc. it's over with the other vegetables like cucumbers and things. So I think it should be classified as a vegetable, it's already thought of as one and it hangs out/ is placed with other veggies, so lets make it easy on everyone and this whole debate and call it a tomato. When I think of fruit, I think of sweet things i can cut up into pieces and throw in a bowl all together to eat. And a tomato in my bowl of fruit with kiwi, pineapple, strawberries, grapes, etc. well... that would just be gross. So lets clear this all up, call it a veggie, continue eating it like a veggie, with other veggies, etc. and let it keep its relationship/friendship with the veggies it hangs out with grocery stores.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bachelor Disaster

So the Bachelor season finale was on tonight and well I think everyone agrees with me when I say, "Vienna? is he crazyyy or what?!" Vienna is (if i put it bluntly), a skanky crazyy scheming bitch haha. I just don't understand why all the bachelors lately have just been guys with a terrible personality and bad taste in women. The last two bachelors have chosen the wrong girl and look at them now, in regret and the girls are dating someone else and are WAY better off. Karma really is a bitch huh? I think the network or whoever chooses the bachelors needs to pick better guys... ones who are actually intelligent, not full of crap, and have a good personality. Jake lets be real, who would want to end up with him anyway? so thank god Tenley and Ali got away from that but still as a girl we always want to win in the end, even if we don't want to be with them. Now Vienna haha she's ugly and has nothing going for her but being easy. And clearly we know why Jake chose her.... she was willing and open to jump right in bed. So Jake got what he deserves, plus he's kind of a loser anyway.

"Good" man or "Bad" man?

This video is great! Some women have been waiting their entire life for a guy like this but honestly is that what we really want? I think it would be amazing, and yes it kinda shows that men are finally getting smarter and figuring out what they should really do but I think we'd honestly rather have the truth. It feels great to know that your "man" even if you look terrible or like in this video (are made fun of at work) he will tell you exactly what you want to hear to make you happy and feel good about yourself. But I think the truth needs to be told because in the end it's only gonna be worse when we find out days or weeks later that what we thought was a compliment turns out to be something completely different. I think I'd feel more embarrassed and hurt inside finding out later that I was being made fun of behind my back than if my "man" told me right away the truth. So as much as I appreciate that men are finally learning what they should really do and say to stay on our good side, the truth needs to be told so we dont further embarass ourselves with our friends, co-workers, etc.

Children for pets?

Strolling through the mall just relaxing, gazing into store windows, when out of nowhere a running screaming child is running up to the window about a foot away from it when his mother pulls him back and towards another direction by a leash! A leash... really? I know we see this now all the time, but when has it become acceptable to have you kid on a leash like its your cocker spaniel? Yes, god knows, kids are a mess, they're wild, the scream until you want to beat them, they throw fits and run away (which sometimes I'm sure we wouldn't mind), but putting them on a leash just crosses the line. If you want to put something on a leash go buy a dog. I think its cruel and almost child abuse and imbarrassing. Kids should be walking around free of restraints just like everyone else. Just like we dont like to be handcuffed and guided around, kids dont like to be stuck to a parents side being pulled, dragged, etc. to wherever the parent is going. I think if you are a good parent your child should be disciplined enough to stay near you and go the places your going without being on a leash or pulled there. And if your child isn't disciplined enough to do that, which I understand it takes time to teach them discipline, then they should be left at home with a babysitter. They aren't disciplined enough to handle being in a busy public place to walk in and out of stores. So lets ditch the leashes for kids and keep them strictly for walking/running our dogs and pets.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reform This : p

As much as I love my life theres always something that needs reform in it... whether it be dramatic such as changing myself altogether to be a better person inside and out, or just changing my hair color to have a fresh start, there's always room for change. I'd say today one thing in my life that needs reform is my health. My health is absolutely horrible right now with the way I eat, hardly work out, lack of sleep, and stress. To begin I am constantly eating junk and fast food and never eating the amount of fruits and vegetables or calcium and protein I need to be eating. I hardly EVER work out on my own, I work out twice a week now but just because of my wellness class. Lets be real here in college its hard to find time to get a full nights sleep, especially with an abnormal sleeping pattern and alternating class schedules, late nights out, etc. And last of all stress! I stress super easily and so I'm constantly making "To do Lists" and running around like a mad woman. I've got to change this before I really get sick from this unhealthy life i'm living right now. This is the worst way to lead a long healthy life. I need to start cooking dinner and making vegetables, fruits, healthy meals that are good for my body. I need to get into a routine of working out and making myself do just 30 min of cardio a day to get my body moving and healthy. I need to start getting into a normal sleeping pattern even if I have opposite class schedules MWF and TH, so that I can make sure I'm getting the amount of sleep I need to. Whether that be by setting a time to get in bed everynight or getting up at the same time every day or just making sure I get 8 or 9 hours of sleep every day could make the biggest difference. And the stress, well I need to relax a little and probly start doing yoga or something (haha) and allow myself plenty of time to get stuff done, stop agreeing/ planning to do so many things at a time... take on one thing at a time so I don't stress, and get a head start on things so I don't have to stress last minute getting it done.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Do your boobs hang low? Do they wobble to the floor?

So I went to Mardi Gras this weekend.... yes, my friends and I trucked through the snow to make it to the weekend of blackouts, boobs, groping, dirtyness, and well you get the hint. And all I have to say is I have never seen so many woman flashing their boobs that REALLY should NOT be flashing. It was just nasty. I saw more saggy, nasty boobs than should be allowed in a lifetime or at all to be honest. There were woman older than my mother just drunk walking around with the rest of the trash that was there and alone just flashing their boobs away. I mean what are these women thinking? Do they honestly think their boobs still look good (they probably never looked good) at 40 years old? NO. I honestly think its so nasty and trashy and someone should tell them to keep their tops on if they are too old to be there to begin with and to keep their top on if they only take their clothes off in the dark when they hook up with guys. bleh. So I think to get these women to stop flashing, the people throwing the beads should stop rewarding them and giving them beads when they really shouldn't be flashing at ALL.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Dirty South

When was the last time you had to look at an expiration date at a gas station? I mean honestly who does? Gas stations are constantly getting trucks of stuff products in you honestly think you wouldn't have to look and most places like that make sure things are good to sell. Well... you might want to start looking. I stopped at a gas station in Lafayette, LA this weekend to get gas and of course I went inside to get a Powerade and a bag of chex mix for the road. And after I had finished half the bag and drank most of my drink, come to find out... the bag of chex mix expired over 9 months ago!!! Let's just say I was more than disturbed! I mean come on, these are gas stations. People are stopping at them daily to get gas but mainly to run in and grab a snack or something and to be selling expired food?!! I'd understand it being expired by like maybe a couple weeks and just not noticing but to have food in your store expired by almost a year is by far the nastiest thing ever. It should be illegal! There should be some sort of law that requires gas station attendants to check the dates on things on their shelves, It's not like they have anything else to do when people aren't inside. They stand behind the counter all day and do absolutely nothing until someone comes in to buy something, so why not make themselvs useful? I'm so grossed out, It's sad that I now am going to be wasting my time checking expiration dates when i walk into a store like this. Something needs to be done, before this continues to happen and people get sick for someones mistake of selling or stocking expired food. Who's with me?