Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lost: Dead Week at SMU before Finals

Dead Week 2 a.m.

Now I know i'm not the only one pissed about this... but seriously why does every school including those around us like TCU and Baylor have "dead days" or a "dead week" to study for finals and we don't? SMU wonders why students grades are soo low right now... well DUH! Give us the time to study and not waste a week of going to classes to review for 2 or 3 days and give us the time to do it on our own. Yes I know most students use those days to get super wasted and party all day and all night, but the students that are gonna do that, would do it anyway with or without "dead days." So why not give them to us anyway so the students who are actually serious about their grades and have lots of finals back to back can get a head start and study for them early. I think we should at least be given a couple "dead days" and those of us who want to use the time wisely will get a early start studying and avoid an unhealthy time of cramming, all nighters, caffeine, illegal use and purchase of adderol to stay awake, etc. Doing this would help students maintain a healthy balance in their lives physically and mentally.... GIVE US A BREAK and HELP US OUT for once!

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