Tuesday, April 27, 2010

When it rains...

Why is it that people say raindrops are god's tears and when it rains god is crying? It just doesn't make sense to me. Why would god cry and water the earth to make flowers bloom into beautiful objects, bodies of water fill to keep animals and nature alive, etc. If it's tears then why does so much good and happiness come from it? Some of the happiest moments in life come on days when its raining. Thunderstorms make me happy and people play in the rain laughing and smiling as they splish and splash through puddles. A kiss in the rain creates that feeling that nothing else around you matters and joy, happiness, and love overwhelm the heart and soul. But most of all, why does it have to mean that god is angry? I think God is happy with his creation of the earth and his son died for our sins, so when it rains we shouldn't consider it God crying or God being angry. If anything I think they should be tears of happiness because he sees and loves each and everything he's created. Why wouldn't he? Who doesn't love their own work and creation? So we should stop looking at such a positive thing in a negative way. Open our eyes to the true beauty of rain.

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