Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tiger What?

So as we all know, Tiger Woods has been one of the biggest "talk about" celebs lately with his long list of affairs that recently emerged to the public. Everyone all over the world is looking down upon him, friends, family, fans, etc. He's lost endorsements, dropped out of the game for awhile (but is returning now) and even went to "sex rehab". I completely understand his friends and family all being hurt by this and reacting as they are but as for the rest of the world and the products he endorses... It's personal business, what Tiger did is part of his personal life away from golf (which is why he has the endorsements and so many fans). Nobody has to agree or think that what he did was okay but why bash him or take away endorsements that are for HIM AS A GOLFER, NOT him as a person in his personal life and affairs. Every celebrity has two separate lives thats why people always say to "keep the lives separate" or your personal life can never be enjoyed. I think we should support him as an athlete, as the amazing professional golfer he is, and let his friends and family deal with the situation in their personal time AWAY from golf. He's always been this great guy that we all love and adore, had the affairs not come into public, nothing would have changed with the way the world feels about him right now.

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