Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Responsibility in Advertising

I think responsibility in advertising is a very difficult thing to define, because its different to everyone. What one of us sees as responsible, someone else may see as irresponsible. Not everyone thinks alike, therefore making judgements on this sort of thing like whether its moral, immoral, degrading, disturbing, etc. It all depends on the person making judgement or the person creating. So If you asked me I would say responsiblity in advertising is a work/ campaign that does not degrade women, ethnicities, cultures, or any group of people, it does not contain nudity or innapropriate language, it is something that can be viewed by all ages (with exception for commercials playing at late times of night), it does not contain graphics or scenes that disturb, disgust, or frighten people to never want to see it again, and it does not encourage one to do something that may harm them physically or mentally. But like I said all the things I named are judged on different levels by different people.

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