Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Vodka Scam

Why is it that almost all vodka (minus the extremely cheap nasty stuff) tastes the same? You can buy a liter of Smirnoff Vodka for somehwere around $16 and buy a liter of Sky Vodka for like $20 and a liter of Ketel One for somethign like $26 yet they all taste the exact same. If you tasted each one blindly not knowing which one it was over 75% of people i gurantee would not be able to tell the difference. So what exactly is the higher price paying for? Are we paying for some fancy colorful or beautifully labeled vodka in a odd shaped bottle. I think it's a huge scam for people. I understand that vodka is one of those items that is so plain and ordinary and its all the same so the appearance of it is what sells it. But I think i'd rather it be in a normal bottle and not so pretty labels. I mean people dont walk around showing their bottles as they drink the vodka, they walk around with the clear liquor in a cup mixed with some other sort of drink or just over ice (which looks just like water). It's sad that people will purchase a bottle of grey goose for $40 when Sky Vodka tastes exactly the same. They but it for the prestigiousness of the name and bottle. They do it for the feeling of elegance and class, but really who is gonna notice unless you show them (which how unclassy is that?) So lets be real... I think there should be two maybe three bottles of expensive nice vodka with the fancy bottle and label and then there should be two or three just terrible cheap plastic bottles, but the rest of them cut the fancy schmancy and put it in a normal bottle, not so fancy label and cut the price to a decent one and more people would probably buy it even just by keeping the name the same. I know i would.


  1. This is so incredibly inaccurate! You are part of the statistic opinion mentioned by you of people that know absolutely nothing about vodka - how its made, how its consumed and how it is priced. You probably think white zin is a fine wine. DumbASS.

  2. maybe your taste buds got scratched off when u were licking yo momas yeast infection so everything tastes like dirt to you ;)-btw this is a different persons opinion biotechnology! (inside jok niggardly)

  3. Woahh hold up! It's not all about the packaging! More expensive vodka is distilled more times. Also, try taking a shot of Grey Goose and then a shot of svedka or skol (prob cheapest vodka I know of, tasts HORRIBLE). If you cant taste the difference then I will be amazed.
