Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"Parking Bitch"

Anyone else annoyed with the park n' pony people who have NOTHING better to do than drive around in their little golf cart all day, writing parking tickets for your car in an expired meter or in an undesignated spot? Yeah aren't we all. I swear just parking in a metered spot for one 50 minute class or in a "student parking permit" spot without a permit I come out and it never fails... TICKET. Rumor has it SMU makes over a million dollars a year just in parking tickets and honestly thats absurd! A) SMU needs more parking spots for people without parking permits or it should lower the cost of a parking sticker. I mean to be honest i'd buy a parking sticker but when you live walking distance to campus and occasionally drive to campus if its raining or your in a hurry there should be parking. B) These park n pony "parking bitches" need to ease up on their making rounds to every parking lot on campus within an hour. Surely their pay isn't that great, dont they want to joy ride or stop and eat, talk, etc. And they have no sypmathy for you what so ever. Someone should write them a parking ticket when they park in the lines, in the middle of the road, or in a handicapped spot as they write tickets. How is that far for them to park wherever? They aren't police officers or SMU police.

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