Monday, March 1, 2010

Children for pets?

Strolling through the mall just relaxing, gazing into store windows, when out of nowhere a running screaming child is running up to the window about a foot away from it when his mother pulls him back and towards another direction by a leash! A leash... really? I know we see this now all the time, but when has it become acceptable to have you kid on a leash like its your cocker spaniel? Yes, god knows, kids are a mess, they're wild, the scream until you want to beat them, they throw fits and run away (which sometimes I'm sure we wouldn't mind), but putting them on a leash just crosses the line. If you want to put something on a leash go buy a dog. I think its cruel and almost child abuse and imbarrassing. Kids should be walking around free of restraints just like everyone else. Just like we dont like to be handcuffed and guided around, kids dont like to be stuck to a parents side being pulled, dragged, etc. to wherever the parent is going. I think if you are a good parent your child should be disciplined enough to stay near you and go the places your going without being on a leash or pulled there. And if your child isn't disciplined enough to do that, which I understand it takes time to teach them discipline, then they should be left at home with a babysitter. They aren't disciplined enough to handle being in a busy public place to walk in and out of stores. So lets ditch the leashes for kids and keep them strictly for walking/running our dogs and pets.

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