Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Never enough time in a day

How often to you feel the stress of only having 24 hours in a day? Me, I stress about it all the time. Especially weeks like this one with Mid Terms, classes, spring break plans to finish organizing, errands to run, studying, eating, sleeping. There's just not enough time in a day for it. I stay up till the wee hours of the morning and I wake up at 8 a.m. for classes all day, rush to get homework done, eat, study and get organized before 2 a.m. rolls around and then i go to bed for it to start all over again. There should be a pause button in life for these days. A button that allows us to breathe, relax and get everything we need done and finish in time for a good nights rest to wake up and go; hopefully not having another day like that for awhile. Wouldn't that be nice?! If we had a pause button for desperate days like these, it would reduce stress, anxiety, depression, HUGE lovely pimples that pop up right in the middle of your face, etc. Could this be invented please? But until then I think that schools and work places should allow one day a week (Mon-Fri) any day of your choice to use as a pause and catch up day. To either catch up and get work and errands done, or a day to catch up on sleep and relax a bit from all the stress. Lets start with working on this.

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