Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shafted on the Spirals

I'm obsessed with Spiral Macaroni & Cheese. I could eat any kind, shells, regular, shapes, etc. but the spirals are by far my favorite! But whats sad is they completely shaft you on the amount of spirals in the box. I'll make the regular cheesiest macaroni and cheese and it could feed my two roomates and I with FULL bowls, but the Spirals only fills up one bowl maybe two if you don't put as much in each bowl. The spirals mac n cheese even costs more than the regular, so why screw people with putting less in the box? It just doesn't make sense. Macaroni n cheese is clearly targeted towards young children to about college age, but mostly young children. Usually parents aren't feeding just one child with the macaroni. I've noticed some parents cook more than one box or buy the mega value size which is great. But they only make the mega "family" size in the regular shape. First of all on the regular box of spirals if they are going to charge you more, you should at least get the same amount of pasta as the regular boxes that are priced lower. Then if they're gonna make "family" size boxes that have more pasta and can feed more people, they should make it in the other shapes like shells, spirals, spider man, etc. Kids like the shapes much more than the plain kind but I think parents make the plain box because theres more and it will feel more kids. SO Kraft needs to get their "sh**" together and not shaft us on our mac n cheese.

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