Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sucking of Life

With it being mid terms (aka "hell week") i've spent so much time studying and going to the library I feel like exams and libraries just suck the life right out of me. I go in, of course dreading having to be there, but in a somewhat normal everyday mood and when I leave i'm in a empty daze, energy less, tired, I almost feel like my brain is fried or my soul has been sucked out by the ghosts of exams and the living dead of the library. I feel like libraries should be a place of happiness and excitement. It's a play full of fairytales, stories, facts, history, information, etc. A place to explore and enjoy, but with an experience like the one i've had lately... god knows I could care less to ever come back. I think college campuses realize (obviously) how often students are actually in the library, especially during finals and exams. So it should be made a relaxing place. It should be an atmsphere where you can feel comfortable lounge around, do work, have snacks, and be happy while you're doing work. It should have color, colors that are warm and welcoming. Comfortable seating places, etc. So while I sit here in the library studying for my last mid term (thank god) as my life is being sucked out of me, think about the ideal place you would like to study in. how it would look, feel, be, etc.

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