Thursday, March 4, 2010

better competition

When i think of two competing soft drinks, two drinks that theres a fine line between...a person either likes this one and is sticks with it or a person drinks the other and sticks with it, I think of Coke and Dr. Pepper. So why is is that Dr. Pepper is not in the competition or race with Coke, and Pepsi is? I don't know about you, but usually when people are at a restaurant and they ask for a coke or a dr. pepper and they say they have Pepsi it's pretty much a let down or back up to not having Coke or Dr. Pepper. I think competition should be between the two most popular. It's not like they aren't the same type of soft drink, I know Dr. Pepper isn't labeled a cola, but i'm pretty sure most of us think of it as that way. Growing up was it not a debate with your friends on which one you drank and which one each of your friends thought was better? Most drinker of the two are loyal customers and stick with it. So I think Pepsi should be more along the lines of competition with RCola and Big Red, etc. Coke and Dr. Pepper have two very differnt and unique tastes. One always prefers one over the other, and definitely before they would choose Pepsi. Lets keep the two Big Dogs in a race together and see how much closer the competition really is. Which one do you prefer?

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