Monday, March 1, 2010

"Good" man or "Bad" man?

This video is great! Some women have been waiting their entire life for a guy like this but honestly is that what we really want? I think it would be amazing, and yes it kinda shows that men are finally getting smarter and figuring out what they should really do but I think we'd honestly rather have the truth. It feels great to know that your "man" even if you look terrible or like in this video (are made fun of at work) he will tell you exactly what you want to hear to make you happy and feel good about yourself. But I think the truth needs to be told because in the end it's only gonna be worse when we find out days or weeks later that what we thought was a compliment turns out to be something completely different. I think I'd feel more embarrassed and hurt inside finding out later that I was being made fun of behind my back than if my "man" told me right away the truth. So as much as I appreciate that men are finally learning what they should really do and say to stay on our good side, the truth needs to be told so we dont further embarass ourselves with our friends, co-workers, etc.

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