Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pedestrian vs. Driver

How much do you hate it when you're the person walking to class and you're trying to cross the street and an impatient driver honks at you or nudges closer and closer and then speeds off as soon as your inches away from their car? well I DO! I think it's so rude and not to mention dangerous. Even if your driving and you can go right on red, if the pedestrian has the "walk" signal they have the right away and should in no way shape or form be in danger or being hit or get honked at because it is some sort of 1 min or less nuisance for the driver. If you're that impatient you shouldn't be driving and if you're in a hurry because you're late... well you're already late so whats a minute gonna do to you? NOTHING. The funny thing is though, that when you're the driver and you're on the other side of it it seems completely different. You think well the pedestrian "walk" sign is flashing to not walk and your light is about to turn green so why is this person walking about to walk across the street when they should wait for their "walk" signal after the cars go. It seems like the pedestrian thinks they run the street and they can walk even when they dont have the signal if they are in a hurry to get across. I think everyone needs to take a breath and just follow the law and walk when they are supposed to walk and drive when they are supposed to drive.

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