Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reform This : p

As much as I love my life theres always something that needs reform in it... whether it be dramatic such as changing myself altogether to be a better person inside and out, or just changing my hair color to have a fresh start, there's always room for change. I'd say today one thing in my life that needs reform is my health. My health is absolutely horrible right now with the way I eat, hardly work out, lack of sleep, and stress. To begin I am constantly eating junk and fast food and never eating the amount of fruits and vegetables or calcium and protein I need to be eating. I hardly EVER work out on my own, I work out twice a week now but just because of my wellness class. Lets be real here in college its hard to find time to get a full nights sleep, especially with an abnormal sleeping pattern and alternating class schedules, late nights out, etc. And last of all stress! I stress super easily and so I'm constantly making "To do Lists" and running around like a mad woman. I've got to change this before I really get sick from this unhealthy life i'm living right now. This is the worst way to lead a long healthy life. I need to start cooking dinner and making vegetables, fruits, healthy meals that are good for my body. I need to get into a routine of working out and making myself do just 30 min of cardio a day to get my body moving and healthy. I need to start getting into a normal sleeping pattern even if I have opposite class schedules MWF and TH, so that I can make sure I'm getting the amount of sleep I need to. Whether that be by setting a time to get in bed everynight or getting up at the same time every day or just making sure I get 8 or 9 hours of sleep every day could make the biggest difference. And the stress, well I need to relax a little and probly start doing yoga or something (haha) and allow myself plenty of time to get stuff done, stop agreeing/ planning to do so many things at a time... take on one thing at a time so I don't stress, and get a head start on things so I don't have to stress last minute getting it done.

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