Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Do your boobs hang low? Do they wobble to the floor?

So I went to Mardi Gras this weekend.... yes, my friends and I trucked through the snow to make it to the weekend of blackouts, boobs, groping, dirtyness, and well you get the hint. And all I have to say is I have never seen so many woman flashing their boobs that REALLY should NOT be flashing. It was just nasty. I saw more saggy, nasty boobs than should be allowed in a lifetime or at all to be honest. There were woman older than my mother just drunk walking around with the rest of the trash that was there and alone just flashing their boobs away. I mean what are these women thinking? Do they honestly think their boobs still look good (they probably never looked good) at 40 years old? NO. I honestly think its so nasty and trashy and someone should tell them to keep their tops on if they are too old to be there to begin with and to keep their top on if they only take their clothes off in the dark when they hook up with guys. bleh. So I think to get these women to stop flashing, the people throwing the beads should stop rewarding them and giving them beads when they really shouldn't be flashing at ALL.

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