I love candy and when I say love, I mean i'm addicted and I eat it/crave it all the time, every day, etc. Starburst are a big favorite of mine. But the orange and yellow flavor... ewww. I mean honestly who really likes those flavors? Not me and i'm guessing not many other people. I buy starburst to eat the red and pink. Now those flavors are what i'm lovinng. I don't understand why the makers of starburst don't jump on the idea of making a package of just the pink and red flavors or just the red, just the pink. It would make more since to make a package with the flavors the customers like most right? I mean I buy candy all the time and i'm pretty sure i'd buy starburst a lot more than I already do if I didn't waste half the package by not eating the yellow and orange... if i could just buy a package with the flavors I and the majority of others like. Mento's caught on years ago when the tropical fruit package that contained yellow, orange and pink that had its buyers picking through the other colors just to get to the pink ones. So they made a package of ONLY pink mento's (the strawberry flavor) mmmm! And it's amazing. So come on starburst I think it's about time to jump on the band wagon. I mean I highly doubt the makers and employees of starbust all really enjoy all the flavors. So why have they not simply tried the idea of solid flavor packages?
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