Monday, February 15, 2010

Dirty South

When was the last time you had to look at an expiration date at a gas station? I mean honestly who does? Gas stations are constantly getting trucks of stuff products in you honestly think you wouldn't have to look and most places like that make sure things are good to sell. Well... you might want to start looking. I stopped at a gas station in Lafayette, LA this weekend to get gas and of course I went inside to get a Powerade and a bag of chex mix for the road. And after I had finished half the bag and drank most of my drink, come to find out... the bag of chex mix expired over 9 months ago!!! Let's just say I was more than disturbed! I mean come on, these are gas stations. People are stopping at them daily to get gas but mainly to run in and grab a snack or something and to be selling expired food?!! I'd understand it being expired by like maybe a couple weeks and just not noticing but to have food in your store expired by almost a year is by far the nastiest thing ever. It should be illegal! There should be some sort of law that requires gas station attendants to check the dates on things on their shelves, It's not like they have anything else to do when people aren't inside. They stand behind the counter all day and do absolutely nothing until someone comes in to buy something, so why not make themselvs useful? I'm so grossed out, It's sad that I now am going to be wasting my time checking expiration dates when i walk into a store like this. Something needs to be done, before this continues to happen and people get sick for someones mistake of selling or stocking expired food. Who's with me?

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