Thursday, February 18, 2010
Reform This : p
As much as I love my life theres always something that needs reform in it... whether it be dramatic such as changing myself altogether to be a better person inside and out, or just changing my hair color to have a fresh start, there's always room for change. I'd say today one thing in my life that needs reform is my health. My health is absolutely horrible right now with the way I eat, hardly work out, lack of sleep, and stress. To begin I am constantly eating junk and fast food and never eating the amount of fruits and vegetables or calcium and protein I need to be eating. I hardly EVER work out on my own, I work out twice a week now but just because of my wellness class. Lets be real here in college its hard to find time to get a full nights sleep, especially with an abnormal sleeping pattern and alternating class schedules, late nights out, etc. And last of all stress! I stress super easily and so I'm constantly making "To do Lists" and running around like a mad woman. I've got to change this before I really get sick from this unhealthy life i'm living right now. This is the worst way to lead a long healthy life. I need to start cooking dinner and making vegetables, fruits, healthy meals that are good for my body. I need to get into a routine of working out and making myself do just 30 min of cardio a day to get my body moving and healthy. I need to start getting into a normal sleeping pattern even if I have opposite class schedules MWF and TH, so that I can make sure I'm getting the amount of sleep I need to. Whether that be by setting a time to get in bed everynight or getting up at the same time every day or just making sure I get 8 or 9 hours of sleep every day could make the biggest difference. And the stress, well I need to relax a little and probly start doing yoga or something (haha) and allow myself plenty of time to get stuff done, stop agreeing/ planning to do so many things at a time... take on one thing at a time so I don't stress, and get a head start on things so I don't have to stress last minute getting it done.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Do your boobs hang low? Do they wobble to the floor?
So I went to Mardi Gras this weekend.... yes, my friends and I trucked through the snow to make it to the weekend of blackouts, boobs, groping, dirtyness, and well you get the hint. And all I have to say is I have never seen so many woman flashing their boobs that REALLY should NOT be flashing. It was just nasty. I saw more saggy, nasty boobs than should be allowed in a lifetime or at all to be honest. There were woman older than my mother just drunk walking around with the rest of the trash that was there and alone just flashing their boobs away. I mean what are these women thinking? Do they honestly think their boobs still look good (they probably never looked good) at 40 years old? NO. I honestly think its so nasty and trashy and someone should tell them to keep their tops on if they are too old to be there to begin with and to keep their top on if they only take their clothes off in the dark when they hook up with guys. bleh. So I think to get these women to stop flashing, the people throwing the beads should stop rewarding them and giving them beads when they really shouldn't be flashing at ALL.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Dirty South
When was the last time you had to look at an expiration date at a gas station? I mean honestly who does? Gas stations are constantly getting trucks of stuff products in you honestly think you wouldn't have to look and most places like that make sure things are good to sell. Well... you might want to start looking. I stopped at a gas station in Lafayette, LA this weekend to get gas and of course I went inside to get a Powerade and a bag of chex mix for the road. And after I had finished half the bag and drank most of my drink, come to find out... the bag of chex mix expired over 9 months ago!!! Let's just say I was more than disturbed! I mean come on, these are gas stations. People are stopping at them daily to get gas but mainly to run in and grab a snack or something and to be selling expired food?!! I'd understand it being expired by like maybe a couple weeks and just not noticing but to have food in your store expired by almost a year is by far the nastiest thing ever. It should be illegal! There should be some sort of law that requires gas station attendants to check the dates on things on their shelves, It's not like they have anything else to do when people aren't inside. They stand behind the counter all day and do absolutely nothing until someone comes in to buy something, so why not make themselvs useful? I'm so grossed out, It's sad that I now am going to be wasting my time checking expiration dates when i walk into a store like this. Something needs to be done, before this continues to happen and people get sick for someones mistake of selling or stocking expired food. Who's with me?
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
bachelor flop
To me this commercial represents a horizontal intertextual connection because it combines the film The Fast and the Furious with Free Willy as the car zooms and speeds around every corner going as fast as it can to release the whale back into the ocean before it dies.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
SMU Tacky?
Okay someone has got to say something. The new flashing lights around the fountain in front of the building across from the sorority houses is absolutely the most tacky thing i've seen in my life. Are we trying to create a vegas theme? I mean honestly SMU should be a little classier/ smarter about that so called "brilliant" idea. Who are they hiring to do come up with that? The person who designed the light up 6'inch stilleto stripper shoes? Apparently so. Let's be real SMU has money so why are they choosing to spend on creating flashing colored lights around the fountains? Why not just tear down the fountain and build a better more elaborate one... withOUT blinking lights. Not to mention the lights are green and red... I think Christmas has passed already. I mean seriously who are we paying to come up with this kind of crap?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
GaGa Brilliant or Insane?
Lady Gaga's music videos for her music has shocked everyone. Magazines and Celebrity news is questioning her sanity over it. But I think she's brilliant! She is doing is exactly what stars are supposed to do, keep people on their feet and keep their name in the worlds mouth. As long as people are talking about her they are loving her. The minute people stop talking about you, YOU'RE DEAD! Her videos show creativity, art, ORIGINALITY and her personality. I loove it. She may be insane but is brilliant now being considered insane? I think so.
Monday, February 1, 2010
The lonely flavor

I love candy and when I say love, I mean i'm addicted and I eat it/crave it all the time, every day, etc. Starburst are a big favorite of mine. But the orange and yellow flavor... ewww. I mean honestly who really likes those flavors? Not me and i'm guessing not many other people. I buy starburst to eat the red and pink. Now those flavors are what i'm lovinng. I don't understand why the makers of starburst don't jump on the idea of making a package of just the pink and red flavors or just the red, just the pink. It would make more since to make a package with the flavors the customers like most right? I mean I buy candy all the time and i'm pretty sure i'd buy starburst a lot more than I already do if I didn't waste half the package by not eating the yellow and orange... if i could just buy a package with the flavors I and the majority of others like. Mento's caught on years ago when the tropical fruit package that contained yellow, orange and pink that had its buyers picking through the other colors just to get to the pink ones. So they made a package of ONLY pink mento's (the strawberry flavor) mmmm! And it's amazing. So come on starburst I think it's about time to jump on the band wagon. I mean I highly doubt the makers and employees of starbust all really enjoy all the flavors. So why have they not simply tried the idea of solid flavor packages?
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