Sunday, January 31, 2010

Redneck Pervert

I went to the Fort Worth Rodeo with a group of my friends Friday Night. 20 drunk college kids at the rodeo just for the hell of it surrounded by families, men and women of all ages, cowboys and ranchers all dressed from head to toe in their Wrangler jeans, button ups, cowboy hats, and cowboy boots for an event they wait all year for. Lets be honest.. my favorite part was all the food (barbeque, foot long corn dogs, hot dogs, funnel cakes, cotton candy, fried everything, etc.) and of course beeeer. Walking to get our foot long corn dogs we stop to ask which stand has the foot long corn dogs and a REDNECK Pervert about 35-40 years old with his friends responds "It's the one down yonder but once you girls get it why dontcha come back here so I can watch you eat it." I mean god could you get any nastier? This comment was just so disturbing we were shocked. These are the disturbing men that watch porn all day, spend their evenings in strip clubs, and don't have anything against being a pedafile. Men like this just make me wonder who would raise their child to turn into a man like this? I thought this was so immature. I find it incredible that a group of college girls and boys can control themselves (even being drunk) to be more mature and not make or think disturbing things like a 35-40 year old group of men. These men need to get their ass kicked by someone or get violated/feel violated in a way to teach them a lesson. Or I guess it's enough that they probably will never get married and spend their entire life watching women or paying for dirty ones. ughhh I'm soo irritated by this kind of thing. What kind of people do we have in this world?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bitchy Valet

So I went to dinner last night for my big sisters 24th birthday. My parents came in town and took us to Al Bernait's (an amazzzing steak restaurant). It's one of those restaurants that annoyingly ONLY has valet parking... like you can't park on your own like you do everyday just because you are in nicer clothes?? I find nothing more annoying than when they do this and then you sit in a line of cars for 10-15 min just to valet because they only have 2 valet guys. First of all If they are only gonna offer valet, they should look at their reservation list and see how many people will be coming and plan to have enough men to valet cars during that time... cause 10-15 min, I could be inside having a drink by that amount of time. To top it off, after dinner i wait another 10 minutes just to get my car 10 feet away. Worst of all I can't stand the valet guys that are bitchy and rude when you tip them a couple or a few dollars (When the sign says "Tips Greatly Appreciated"). I mean come on, you are getting a tip so appreciate what you get. Would they rather not get one at all? I think if they sign up for the job duhh what do you think you're signing up to do? Get a $100 in tips all night from parking someones car for them? NO. Valet parkers should be kind and do their job in a timely fashion if they want a good tip at all, not expect to get a tip just because thats all they work off of, no matter how big of a BITCH and lazy they are.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pregnancy Pact?

Okay so Saturday night, I sat around the TV of a friend's living room with 10 girls to watch the Premiere of the new Lifetime Movie 'The Pregnancy Pact.' Stuff like this is absolutely insane! A movie about high school teens 15-17 years old making a pact to all get pregnant together so that they can "dress up their kids in cute clothes" and so "they can be best friends together like their moms." What is going on in this world that would make teens at the age of 15 think its okay and "fun" to have a baby? It's sad that this was actually a true story that happened a couple of years ago at a high school. This makes me think something isn't being done or said to teenagers these days. I'm not sure whether our society is promoting a fantasy world to young women about true love in high school through movies, tv shows, magazines, celebrities, etc. or whether our Parents aren't being parents in their teens lives and talking to them about sex and options of birth control, whether it be condoms or the pill. I mean let's be real, parents can tell their kids all they want to "not have sex" or honestly think their teenagers aren't having sex in high school, but in reality most teens are. So why not prevent pregnancy with offering birth control and condoms to teens in high schools, rather than have an abstinence speaker come every year to speak to the school. Clearly that is NOT helping or making a difference.